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"no-dialogue" Screenplay


JOSEPHINE, a tall blonde girl in her mid-20's, recently graduated from UCLA, has written a passionate letter to her boyfriend and goes out from her apartment lot to take the letter to the mailbox located a few blocks away from her place.


Josephine comes out on the front door, takes a last look in the written letter, folds it and inserts it in an envelope, depositing the envelope in her purse, which she carries on her left shoulder.

She takes a break in the morning walk to tie the knots on her shoes. As she stops, she makes eye contact with the stranger sitting close to her on the sidewalk. He's KURT, a mysterious bad boy, also in his mid-20's, who stares at her with a vague expression of indifference. He doesn't seem friendly. After they change looks and she's finished with her shoes, she goes on.

Josephine crosses the street, but is unaware that Kurt started following her.

On the next crossing she looks back, and notices that Kurt is coming in the same direction. It's no big deal to her, and she goes on.

She turns the corner and after a while looks back again. Kurt is a little bit closer, and she starts getting suspicious.

Josephine starts to walk a little bit faster, and so does Kurt. She keeps looking back and checking the distance between them, only to notice that he's getting closer.

After one more turning in the corner and another street crossing, she's sure the bad boy is following her. She speeds up, almost running. She goes to the other side of the street, and runs without looking back. When she finally looks back, she realizes he's not there anymore.

Relieved but at the same time surprised by her perhaps unjustified and sudden fear, Josephine finishes her walk and approaches the mailbox. However, when she reaches her purse to get the letter, she realizes that the envelope isn't there. She comes to the conclusion that she dropped it somewhere on the way.

Still disappointed by her lack of attention, she is once more surprised, this time by someone tapping her on the shoulder. She turns around and there is Kurt, staring at her with the same indifference shown in their brief contact a few minutes earlier.

He reaches his pocket and pulls out the envelope, which had fallen when she stopped to tie the knot on her shoe.

Kurt takes a last look at her and leaves, without saying a word. Josephine is kept wondering how she could have been so stupid to think he would steal her purse or even try to do something more physical. "What you see is not always what you get", she thinks.

She finally puts the envelope in the mailbox and continues her morning walk.

A few steps ahead she sees MIKE, a poor and ugly beggar lying on the ground. He looks up at her and waves for a dime. She gives him an indifferent and nosy look and goes on. Sad and hungry, Mike lowers his head and watches Josephine disappear in the horizon.


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Texto postado por Kollision em 14/Março/2006